FREE DOWNLOAD of Sarah Swanson Music

Hi Friends~

It's been a while since I've updated this blog because, well, we've been busy! We're working on rehearsing, finding gigs, writing, and listening to our favorite bands whenever we can (just saw our *6th* Blackberry Smoke show in less than a year. Yeah, we're a little obsessed.)

Anyway, we're trying something new ~ a FREE download of the title track to THIS SIDE OF MADNESS! You can only get it here on this website for a limited time. If you dig it, we hope you'll head on over to and get the full album ASAP!

You can find the download on our MUSIC LINK on the left side of this website. You can listen to songs on the MUSIC PLAYER at the bottom of this website though "This Side of Madness" is the only downloadable one. We've added a few lyrics to the MUSIC LINK PAGE too because yeah, we really do want you singing along with us.

Since I have never in my life downloaded a song (yep, it's true!), please let me know if you have any trouble getting this song onto your iPod or iTouch or whatever little machine you use to listen to digital music. Many thanks!

Hope to see you at a show this summer. We always have a really good time, and we get a lot of happy feedback (from you friendly people, not the PA!). Come on out and join the party!

xoxo sarah

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